Vehicle production

4-axle low-loader trailer

We were recently able to manufacture a 4-axle low-loader trailer for Dambauer Erdbau from Elsbethen. With the cranked frame, the trailer is particularly suitable for transporting excavators.

Other features that speak for the Gföllner quality product:

  • Axle lift on the 1st axle, used purely as a maneuvering aid
  • Last axle self-steering
  • Exterior frame painting
  • Various load securing (stanchion pockets in the outer frame, 10,000 daN lashing points, stanchion pocket cross members over the entire width, excavator bucket recess...)
  • Steel ramps with spring lifting mechanism and Hardox climbing bars
  • Overwidth equipment
  • Various additional lights (LED flashers, LED reversing lights in the ramps, ...)
  • Various storage options (storage box on the front plateau, stainless steel tool boxes)

We thank you for the order and wish you a safe journey at all times!