Loading cranes

HIAB & EFFER loading cranes
With HIAB loading cranes, you will always remain competitive, whether your company's success is based on lifting heavy loads, fast loading cycles, maximum accuracy or a mixture of these requirements. With their power, ease of control, safety and reliability, HIAB loader cranes offer performance unmatched by any other crane. Take some time to discover why HIAB loader cranes make such a difference.
HIAB developed the world's first loader crane in 1944. Today, there is a HIAB loader crane for almost every requirement or task.
Gföllner has been a HIAB sales and service partner since 2016 and has been delivering the best quality and satisfaction ever since. Get to know our product range of HIAB loader cranes and find the right product solution for your company.
Maximum safety, performance & efficiency with the cutting-edge technology of HIAB loading cranes. With our HIAB loader cranes, you can easily perform precision work while maintaining short loading cycles!
Optimised loading crane for industry-specific requirements
Whether simple & effective manually controlled models or advanced & intelligent remote controlled systems, your HIAB loading crane will be optimised to meet all your industry-specific requirements.
Reliable technology and intelligent functions ensure that you can always focus on your orders and projects and carry them out efficiently and safely.
Safe, reliable & cost-effective, the EFFER loading crane is characterised by its high performance and, above all, its durability. The EFFER loader crane provides more stability and a larger lifting capacity: Thus, heavy loads can be lifted over high buildings without much effort.
Heavy weights are history
Thanks to the EFFER loading crane, reach and height, especially with heavy loads, are history. Stand out from the competition and easily monitor your work progress with live data via the remote control monitors.